

Welcome to Stylus & Crate!

At Stylus & Crate, every sip of coffee is like spinning your favorite vinyl – it’s about experiencing the vibe, the flavor, and the moment! Our eclectic menu is a harmonious collection of classic hits and fresh new tracks, each blend striking the perfect chord of taste and boldness. Whether you’re a coffee enthusiast or a casual listener of coffee tunes, our blends are crafted to resonate with every soul.

Introducing Our Signature House Blend - Side A: Striking the right notes between bold and smooth, our House Blend Side A is a harmonious medley of select beans, roasted to perfection, delivering a symphony of vibrant tones and rich undertones. It’s our everyday anthem, and we invite you to indulge in its rhythmic delight, setting the tone for a truly memorable coffee experience.

Our Brew Rhythms:

From the strong and bold solos of Espresso to the smooth and creamy tunes of Lattes, our coffee menu is curated to bring a range of flavor profiles that resonate with the eclectic essence of music. Each concoction is like a well-curated playlist, meant to awaken your senses and keep the good vibes rolling!

Sweet & Savory Encores:

To complement your favorite brew, we offer a tantalizing array of sweet and savory bites, each a perfect accompaniment, turning every sip into a full-flavored concert.

So, get ready to immerse yourself in the soulful journey of our brews, lose yourself in the flavorful notes of our House Blend Side A, and let the coffee vibes of Stylus & Crate keep your spirits high and your hearts full of the groovy love of coffee and music!


Our Brew Rhythms:

Dive into the rhythmic symphony of flavors with our diverse array of coffee-based drinks, each crafting a unique melody to tantalize your taste buds at Stylus & Crate!

  • Signature Drip - Our Side A Stereo Blend:

    Signature Drip - Our Side A Stereo Blend: roasted single origins or blends, unveiling the intricate symphony of each bean, crafted to your liking."

    Pour Over:

    "Embark on a meticulous journey of flavor with our Pour Over, utilizing Marco Auto Pour-over Brewers, allowing you to choose from our house-roasted single origins or blends, ensuring each drop resonates with the full-bodied harmony of our blends."

  • Double Espresso:

    "Embark on a robust journey with this amplified soloist, a bold concerto of intensely rich flavors, echoing the intensity and the delight of coffee."


    "Enjoy a balanced symphony with this harmonious blend of bold espresso and equal parts steamed milk, a smooth composition creating a flavorful equilibrium."


    "Experience a frothy mosh pit of bold espresso, silky steamed milk, and light foam, intertwining in a dynamic dance of smoothness and intensity."

    Flat White:

    "Slide into the smooth fusion of robust espresso and creamy microfoam, a rhythmic blend harmonizing strong coffee hits with a velvety texture."


    "Savor the smooth vibes of this nuanced masterpiece, with bold espresso melding with hot water, creating a balanced and refreshing symphony of flavors."


    "Swing to the creamy rhythms of this harmonious mix, where bold espresso meets steamed milk, crafting a velvety melody resonating with richness in every sip."

    Mocha Latte:

    "Indulge in a sweet symphony with this decadent ensemble of rich chocolate, bold espresso, and steamed milk, a luxurious performance delighting every indulgent palate."

    Caramel Latte:

    "Drift through the sweet and buttery currents of this luscious melody, where caramel blends harmoniously with bold espresso and smooth steamed milk, creating a symphonic delight for those who like a touch of sweetness with their rhythm."

  • Cold Brew:

    "Chill with the cool, smooth vibes of our meticulously brewed Cold Brew, offering a refreshing melody of low acidity and robust flavor, a caffeinated serenade to refresh your soul."

    Nitro Cold Brew:

    "Feel the effervescent rhythm with our Nitro Cold Brew, a sparkling symphony of bold, smooth coffee infused with tiny nitrogen bubbles, delivering a creamy texture and a cascade of flavors in every sip."

    Whiskey Barrel Cold Brew:

    "Indulge in the rich, bold symphony of our Whiskey Barrel Cold Brew, a unique composition aged in whiskey barrels, resonating with sweet, oaky notes and a playful hint of spirits, creating a multifaceted flavor experience."

Tea & Chai

Unleash a medley of soothing and spicy rhythms with our harmonious collection of teas and chai, each blend tuning your senses to a symphony of aromatic tranquility and zestful energy at Stylus & Crate!

  • Steep into serenity with our selection of organic teas from Teatulia & Two Leaves & A Bud. Enjoy a traditional tea service while dining in, featuring one of our unique teapots and china cups, to bring warmth and tranquility to your table.

  • Refresh your spirit with our rotating blends of Iced Tea, featuring the finest concoctions from Teatulia and Smith Tea Makers, ensuring a cool, revitalizing symphony of flavors in every sip.

  • Chai Latte:

    Infuse your senses with our Chai Latte, allowing you to pick your desired chai and milk, served either hot or iced, to create your personalized spicy, soothing melody. Our local Colorado chai partners, Charlie Joe (Traditional, Spicey, Honey) Bhakti (Traditional & Unsweetened), and Sherpa (Decaf)

    Nitro Chai:

    Experience the effervescent zest of our Nitro Chai, featuring Bhakti Chai Concentrate, pressurized with nitrogen, and blended with your choice of milk, delivering a bubbly, spiced harmony.

  • Immerse yourself in the vibrant, earthy symphony of our Matcha Latte, a harmonious blend of premium matcha and your choice of milk, served hot or iced, offering a serene, refreshing resonance with every sip.

Young At Heart

Dive into the mellifluous notes of our caffeine-free alternatives, each resonating with delightful tunes, perfect for those seeking serene sips and our young connoisseurs at Stylus & Crate!

  • Indulge in the velvety symphony of our Artisan Hot Chocolate, blending rich chocolate syrup with steamed milk, crowned with our house-made vanilla whipped cream, creating a warm, decadent treat.

  • Embrace the comforting harmony of our Steamers, combining perfectly steamed milk with our house-made syrups, crafting a soothing, sweet melody in every sip.

  • Chocolate Milk:

    "Rock your taste buds with our Chocolate Milk, a classic hit mixing the creamy goodness of milk with the sweet, rich tones of chocolate, creating a chilled, delightful harmony."


    "Experience the simple, refreshing purity of our Milk, offering a cool, creamy resonance and a timeless, soothing melody."


Welcome the changing tides of the seasons with our harmonious collection of seasonal delights at Stylus & Crate! Whether it's the warm, comforting notes of autumn, the fresh, rejuvenating melodies of spring, the rich, robust harmonies of winter, or the light, zesty rhythms of summer, our menu dances with the seasonal symphonies, offering something uniquely flavorful for every palate. Let the seasons play their tunes and find your perfect culinary companion to immerse in the sensory concert of the ever-evolving times!

  • Lemonade:

    "Refresh and revitalize with our Fresh-Squeezed Lemonade, a vibrant symphony of tangy and sweet notes that dance in the sunlight. Customize your refreshing concoction with a range of different syrups or freshly muddled fruit, crafting your own zesty melody to suit the summer breeze."

  • Spiced Apple Cider:

    "Embrace the comforting embrace of Fall with our Spiced Apple Cider, a warm harmony of Colorado Cider blended with our signature spice syrup, bringing forth the cozy and aromatic whispers of autumn leaves."

    Caramel Apple Cider:

    "Indulge in the sweet, comforting tunes of our Caramel Apple Cider, a delicious composition of Colorado Cider swirled with rich caramel, a melody of autumn warmth and sweetness."


    "Merge the spicy, soothing symphony of Chai Tea with the warm, aromatic notes of our Spiced Apple Cider to experience ‘Chaider’, a harmonious blend resonating with the comforting tunes of Fall."

    Kristie’s Chaider:

    "Discover a unique, flavorful medley with Kristie’s Chaider, a special blend of Caramel, Chai, and Colorado Cider. It’s a sweet, spicy, and luscious treat, creating a unique harmony of flavors, embracing your senses with its distinct autumnal embrace."

  • Italian Sodas:

    "Dive into the vivacious spirit of Italy with our Italian Sodas! Each effervescent sip is a lively dance of bold, refreshing flavors, allowing you to concoct your own sparkling sensation with our diverse range of syrups. These dynamic, fruity notes create a bursting symphony of taste, painting your palate with the vibrant essence of Italian zest at Stylus & Crate!"

    French Sodas:

    "Embark on a creamy, dreamy journey to the romantic corners of France with our French Sodas! Every sip harmonizes the velvety richness of cream with the bubbling excitement of effervescent flavors. It's a delightful veloute of smooth, sweet melodies meeting effervescent tones, enveloping your senses in a soft, flavorful embrace of French elegance at Stylus & Crate!"

Add On’s & Customize

Harmonize your beverage experience at Stylus & Crate by tuning your drinks with our versatile add-ons. Opt for our Alternative Milks, offering a symphony of creamy and lush options, letting you orchestrate your drink to your dietary symphony. Sweeten the deal with our signature House-made Syrups, each a unique melody, allowing you to infuse your beverage with sweet whispers or bold echoes, making each sip a flavorful journey. And for those seeking a richer, more robust experience, our Extra Shots are the perfect encore, amplifying the bold tones and ensuring every sip is a robust rendition of caffeinated bliss. Craft your concoction, find your flavor rhythm, and make every sip at Stylus & Crate distinctly yours!

  • Oat Milk:

    "Embrace the creamy, smooth notes of Oat Milk, a delightful dance of lush richness and subtle sweetness. It's a harmonious option for those seeking a dairy-free symphony, adding a gentle, velvety touch to your beverages and enhancing your sipping experience at Stylus & Crate."

    Almond Milk:

    "Savor the light, nutty echoes of Almond Milk, a delicate whisper of silky textures and subtle, nutty tones. It's a uniquely flavorful companion for your beverages, providing a dairy-free melody to your Stylus & Crate escapade."

    Soy Milk:

    "Discover the versatile, balanced tunes of Soy Milk, a smooth, plant-based harmony of mild flavor and creamy consistency. It's a classic, dairy-free alternative, ensuring your drink resonates with a balanced, wholesome cadence at Stylus & Crate."

    Coconut Milk:

    "Indulge in the tropical, exotic rhythms of Coconut Milk, a luscious blend of sweet, creamy nuances and refreshing, coconut whispers. It’s a dairy-free serenade to your senses, imparting a hint of the tropics to your beverage journey at Stylus & Crate."

  • Vanilla Bean:

    "Drift into the sweet, aromatic symphony of our Vanilla Bean syrup. Every drop is a delicate whisper of exotic, rich flavors, with subtle floral hints, creating a serene, sweet backdrop to your beverage and transporting you to a realm of aromatic indulgence at Stylus & Crate."

    Honey Pistachio:

    "Immerse yourself in the eclectic dance of our Honey Pistachio syrup. The sweet, velvety tones of honey harmonize with the earthy, nutty whispers of pistachio, crafting a unique, balanced melody that adds a rich, adventurous rhythm to your sipping journey at Stylus & Crate."

    Honey Lavender:

    "Indulge in the fragrant, sweet notes of our Honey Lavender syrup. The sweet essence of honey interweaves with the calming, floral nuances of lavender, creating a soothing, aromatic composition that serenades your senses with every sip at Stylus & Crate."


    "Experience the warm, spicy embrace of our Cinnamon syrup. Its bold, vibrant flavor reverberates with a fiery yet sweet resonance, adding a comforting, fragrant warmth to your beverage and igniting your palate with a spicy serenade at Stylus & Crate."


    "Delight in the rich, nutty symphony of our Hazelnut syrup. Each drop resounds with the deep, sweet echoes of hazelnut, enriching your drink with a smooth, buttery undertone and crafting a lush, flavorful harmony at Stylus & Crate."

    Cane Sugar:

    "Savor the pure, sweet melodies of our Cane Sugar syrup. Its clear, sweet harmonies elevate your beverage, adding a classic, unadulterated sweetness that dances gracefully with other flavors, creating a refined, sweet experience at Stylus & Crate."

  • Pumpkin Spice:

    "Fall into the cozy embrace of our Pumpkin Spice syrup as the leaves begin to turn. A symphonic blend of warm cinnamon, nutmeg, and sweet pumpkin creates a nostalgic melody, encapsulating the essence of autumn in each sip. This seasonal serenade offers a comforting, spiced whisper to your beverages, making every moment at Stylus & Crate a harmonious autumnal escape."


    "Step into a winter wonderland with our Gingerbread syrup, a festive dance of molasses, ginger, and spices. It’s a merry symphony that echoes the joyous warmth of the holiday season, infusing your drink with sweet, spiced notes and making every sip a festive celebration at Stylus & Crate."

    Winter Spice:

    "Experience the chilling breeze with the warming embrace of our Winter Spice syrup. This seasonal blend combines the rich notes of clove, cinnamon, and orange peel, creating a vibrant melody that warms the soul. It’s a flavorful ode to winter, adding a fiery zest to your beverages and illuminating the frosty days with spicy vigor at Stylus & Crate."

Treats & Eats

Awaken your senses to a chorus of culinary delights at Stylus & Crate! Dive into the rich, golden layers of our House-Made Liege Waffles, each bite a harmonious blend of crispy perfection and fluffy decadence, resonating with the sweet symphony of our artisanal touch. Explore our selection of Assorted Pastries, each a delicate symphony of flavors and textures, creating a sweet crescendo in every bite. Ignite your morning with the fiery, robust harmonies found in our Breakfast Burritos from Bonfire, a savory masterpiece of bold flavors and hearty nourishment. Every option is a crafted composition, aiming to make your culinary journey a rhythmic dance of savory and sweet indulgences. Join the breakfast encore at Stylus & Crate and allow each bite to serenade your morning with unforgettable flavor symphonies!

  • Plain Liege Waffle:

    "Meet the maestro of our waffle symphony – the Plain Liege Waffle! Every bite is a taste of waffle purity, resonating with the sweet, yeasty tones and the subtle, buttery whispers of this Belgian classic. Its golden, crispy exterior harmonizes with a soft, chewy interior, creating a simple yet profound melody of textures and flavors, providing a blank canvas for your culinary creativity at Stylus & Crate."

    Berries & Cream Liege Waffle:

    "Delight in the vibrant symphony of our Berries & Cream Liege Waffle! A medley of fresh, juicy berries couples with a dollop of velvety cream, creating a harmonious blend of sweetness and tartness that dances over the golden, crisp layers of our authentic Liege waffle."

    Lemon Curd & Blueberries

    "Savor the zesty melody of our Lemon Curd & Blueberries Liege Waffle! Tangy lemon curd harmonizes with sweet, plump blueberries, creating a refreshing, citrus-infused masterpiece atop the warm, buttery richness of our signature waffle."

    White Chocolate Strawberry

    "Indulge in the sweet serenade of our White Chocolate Strawberry Liege Waffle! Luscious white chocolate melds with ripe, succulent strawberries, crafting a sinfully sweet harmony that resounds through the caramelized notes of our classic waffle."

    Nutella & Strawberry

    "Experience the indulgent composition of our Nutella & Strawberry Liege Waffle! Creamy Nutella and fresh strawberries unite in a decadent duet, enveloping the crispy, golden waffle in a luxurious, chocolaty embrace."

    Cookie Butter & Strawberry

    "Revel in the sumptuous symphony of our Cookie Butter & Strawberry Liege Waffle! Smooth cookie butter and ripe strawberries weave a rich, spicy tapestry of flavors, gracing the crunchy, sweet notes of our Liege waffle with a warm, aromatic echo."

    Maple Pecan

    "Dive into the comforting melody of our Maple Pecan Liege Waffle! Sweet, amber maple syrup dances with crunchy, buttery pecans, creating a harmonious, nutty concerto atop the delicate, sweet canvas of our Liege waffle."


    "Unwrap the decadent layers of our Turtle Liege Waffle! A trio of gooey caramel, rich chocolate, and crunchy pecans compose a sweet, textured symphony, echoing through the soft, yeasty tones of our Belgian waffle."

  • Embark on a culinary expedition with our Bonfire Breakfast Burritos at Stylus & Crate! Proudly hailing from Golden, Colorado, these robust creations are a flavorful symphony, each one meticulously crafted with hearty, seasoned fillings, encased in a warm, soft tortilla that cradles a cascade of textures and aromas. Savory, zesty, and loaded with the wholesome goodness of fresh ingredients, these burritos unleash a fiery dance of flavors with every bite, lighting up your palate with a blaze of well-balanced spices and the comforting warmth of meticulously cooked eggs and premium meats. It's a bold, satisfying harmony that turns your breakfast into a savory adventure, sending waves of delectable notes through your taste buds, and creating an unforgettable gastronomic sonata.

  • Embark on a comforting culinary journey with our Enjoy Biscotti Oat Meal Cups at Stylus & Crate! Lovingly crafted in Wheat Ridge, Colorado, these wholesome cups of joy are a melody of hearty textures and soul-soothing flavors. Each bite is a harmonious blend of rolled oats, infused with a symphony of natural sweeteners and adorned with a selection of nutritious toppings, creating a nutrient-dense concerto that warms the soul and nourishes the body. The robustness of the oats sings in perfect harmony with the diverse, savory undertones, creating a deliciously balanced masterpiece that resonates with homely warmth and wholesome goodness

  • Indulge in the sublime symphony of flavors with Enjoy Biscotti’s Artisan Biscotti at Stylus & Crate! Crafted with passion and precision in Wheat Ridge, CO, these gourmet biscotti are a sweet encore to any meal or a standalone symphony of delight. Each piece is a harmonious composition of crisp, yet tender textures, singing with rich, immersive flavors that dance along your taste buds in a ballet of sweet and savory notes. Our biscotti are the culmination of authentic recipes and high-quality ingredients, crafting a melody of indulgence that resonates with tradition and contemporary flair.

  • Muffin Medley:

    "Welcome to a culinary symphony with our fresh-baked muffins at Stylus & Crate! Each muffin is a carefully crafted melody of fluffy, moist textures and rich, vibrant flavors, acting as a harmonious prelude to your day or a delightful intermezzo within it. Dive into the various flavors, each echoing with the authentic resonance of homemade goodness, and let the comforting and invigorating tunes of our muffin medley orchestrate a flavorful dance on your palate."

    Scones Symphony:

    "Indulge in the crumbly, flavorful compositions of our fresh-baked scones! Each bite is a harmonious blend of buttery textures and exquisite flavors, forming a delicate symphony of savory and sweet notes that serenade your taste buds. Whether paired with our artisanal coffee or enjoyed as a standalone delicacy, our scones offer a taste of elegant simplicity, a sonorous reflection of handcrafted perfection and authentic culinary artistry."

    Gluten-Free Sweet Breads Concerto:

    "Discover the harmonious melodies of our Gluten-Free Sweet Breads, each one a flavorful concerto of moist, delicious layers, interwoven with wholesome ingredients. This savory composition caters to the discerning palate, offering a nutritious and indulgent alternative that doesn’t compromise on flavor or texture. Let the distinctive notes of our gluten-free creations play a resounding overture to your day, conducting a symphony of gourmet goodness that’s both uplifting and satisfying."

    Gnarly Cookies:

    "Indulge your senses with our handcrafted cookies from Gnarly Cookies! Each cookie is a decadent symphony, filled with rich, bold flavors and a playful dance of textures. Gnarly Cookies, based in our local community, meticulously crafts every batch, delivering a repertoire of sweet delights that dance on your palate, leaving a lingering tune of sweetness and zest. Each cookie is a crescendo of indulgence, an encore to your coffee, and a standalone sensation."