The Melody Behind the Name: Stylus & Crate

When you walk into Stylus & Crate, the aroma of freshly brewed coffee wafts through the air, the comforting warmth of Liege waffles beckons, and the gentle hum of conversation fills the space. But have you ever wondered about the story behind our unique name? It's more than just a combination of words; it's a melody of history and inspiration that resonates with our philosophy.

Connecting Through Coffee, Waffles, and Music

Stylus & Crate is not just a coffee shop; it's a place designed to bring people together over good food, drink, and music. We believe in the power of these simple pleasures to create meaningful connections and shared experiences. But why "Stylus" and "Crate"?

The Stylus: A Needle to the Soul of Music

The term "Stylus" originates from the world of vinyl records. It's the name of the needle that delicately touches the grooves of a record, coaxing forth the rich melodies hidden within. This stylus, this needle, is the bridge that allows us to hear the soul of the music. At Stylus & Crate, we embrace this idea of connection. Just as the stylus connects with the record, we connect with our customers through the art of coffee, the allure of Liege waffles, and the magic of music.

The Crate: A Repository of Memories

Now, let's turn to "Crate." In the 1960s, milk crates were a common sight. They were used for transporting and storing a variety of goods, but what made them truly iconic was their role in the world of music. As vinyl records gained popularity, people began using these crates to store their precious collections. However, these crates often disappeared from front porches and stoops because they were so frequently "borrowed" by music lovers in need of proper record storage. The need was so great that eventually, the milk crates had to change size to deter theft. This, in a way, speaks to the deep passion and connection people have with their music.

A Name that Speaks to the Heart of Stylus & Crate

Our name, Stylus & Crate, reflects our commitment to providing a space where people can connect, not just with us but with each other. The stylus represents the delicate touch, the attention to detail, and the care we put into crafting your coffee and Liege waffles. It symbolizes the connection we make with you when we serve you your favorite brew or delicious waffle.

The crate, on the other hand, represents the repository of memories that music and shared experiences create. It's a nod to the nostalgia of vinyl records, the joy of discovering a new song, and the warmth of gathering around a turntable to enjoy music with friends and loved ones. Just as those stolen milk crates contained precious vinyl treasures, our coffee shop contains the precious treasure of human connection.

At Stylus & Crate, our name encapsulates our mission to create a space where you can savor the simple pleasures of life, where the touch of a stylus and the memories in a crate of records come together to form a beautiful symphony of experiences. We invite you to join us in this harmonious journey, one cup of coffee, one Liege waffle, and one song at a time.

The next time you step into Stylus & Crate and savor a delicious waffle while sipping your coffee, we hope you'll think about the deeper meaning behind our name. It's a reminder that every sip, every bite, and every note of music is an opportunity to connect, to create memories, and to share in the joy of life's simple pleasures.

Welcome to Stylus & Crate, where every moment is a chance to connect over good food, drink, and music.

Tadd Overstreet