We Matter

At Stylus & Crate, we believe that every ingredient matters. From the coffee beans in our lattes to the dairy milk in our beverages, we prioritize quality and sustainability in everything we do. Today, we're diving into the importance of high-quality dairy milk, not just for your health, but also for the environment.

We begin with the freshest milk from local grade A producers. By sourcing our milk locally, we support our community's farmers and reduce our carbon footprint by minimizing transportation distances. Our commitment to using local ingredients extends beyond just supporting local businesses—it's also about ensuring the freshness and quality of our products.

We pride ourselves on our old-fashioned vacuum pasteurization process, which preserves the natural and fresh taste of our milk. Unlike conventional pasteurization methods, which can degrade the flavor and nutritional value of milk, our process maintains the integrity of the milk while removing harmful bacteria. This process also takes out some of the natural water and leaves behind extra milk solids, resulting in a creamier and richer milk that's a delight to drink.

During packaging, our milk is kept cold and refrigerated the entire time to maintain its freshness and quality. We believe that every step of the production process matters, from sourcing to packaging, and we take great care to ensure that our milk reaches you in the best possible condition.

In addition to prioritizing quality, we also prioritize sustainability. Our commitment to the environment extends to our dairy sourcing practices. We do not treat our cows with the bovine growth hormone rbGH, ensuring the health and well-being of the animals while also producing milk that's free from artificial additives. By choosing not to use rbGH, we contribute to a healthier environment and support ethical farming practices.

Furthermore, we're proud to utilize recyclable milk bottles as part of our packaging. Our commitment to sustainability is woven into our core values, and we strive to minimize our environmental impact wherever possible. By using recyclable materials, we reduce waste and promote a circular economy that benefits both people and the planet.

At Stylus & Crate, our dedication to quality, sustainability, and ethical sourcing is encapsulated in our core value, "Be The Sunshine." We believe that by choosing high-quality ingredients, we can make a positive impact on the world around us. From supporting local farmers to reducing waste, every decision we make is guided by our commitment to doing good for you, the environment, and our community.

So the next time you enjoy a latte or a glass of milk from Stylus & Crate, know that you're not just indulging in a delicious beverage—you're also supporting a commitment to quality, sustainability, and ethical sourcing. Cheers to making a difference, one sip at a time.

Tadd Overstreet