Boss & The Big Man- Artist Bio

J. Scott Nicol is a distinguished artist renowned for his ability to bridge the worlds of literature and visual art. Born from a deep love of books and an unwavering appreciation for the stories they convey, his paintings serve as powerful testaments to the role that literature plays in shaping our lives and identities.

With a personal collection of over a thousand books spanning the spectrum from classic novels to the most obscure volumes, J. Scott Nicol's passion for reading is as diverse as it is insatiable. His library serves as a reflection of his character, encapsulating his interests, likes, and passions. For him, books are not just inanimate objects; they are windows into different worlds, mirrors reflecting the depths of human imagination.

As an artist, J. Scott Nicol found a unique and captivating way to convey his own narrative. He chose books as the canvas for his paintings, a medium that resonates deeply with his soul. His artistic process is a meticulous journey, involving extensive research, intricate composition, and painstaking attention to detail. Each painting begins with a thematic concept, followed by the selection of an image that aligns with the chosen book. He then masterfully crafts a complementary background, and the final touch—a carefully crafted title that, in conjunction with the image, invokes a response from the viewer.

Among his remarkable body of work is the painting titled "Boss & The Big Man." This artwork pays tribute to the iconic Bruce Springsteen and Clarence Clemons, two legends of rock and roll. Just as their music spoke to the hearts of millions, J. Scott Nicol's portrayal of the duo captures the essence of their partnership and the profound impact they had on the world of music. Part of the Stylus & Crate Art Collection, "Boss & The Big Man" resides within the cozy ambiance of our coffee shop, inviting patrons to connect with the spirit of their music.

The result of J. Scott Nicol's artistic labor is a stunning collection of over 60 paintings, comprising a library of more than 400 "made-up" books. These visual novels have found their place in galleries across the United States and have been collected by art enthusiasts from around the world. J. Scott Nicol's work possesses the power to resonate with viewers on a profound level, drawing them into the intricate world of his detailed and realistic compositions.

His art has also attracted the attention of notable figures, including Heisman Trophy winner and two-time Super Bowl champion Jim Plunkett, entertainer and rapper Lil' Wayne, and media mogul Oprah Winfrey, among others. Their appreciation for his work underscores its universal appeal and emotional depth.

Yet, for J. Scott Nicol, the true reward lies not just in the recognition but in the very act of creation. The transformation of a blank canvas into a tableau of "imagined" books, painted with oil and brush, is a labor of love. It tells not only the story of his life but also weaves a narrative of our collective popular culture. In every stroke and detail, J. Scott Nicol invites us to appreciate the intersection of literature and art, where the written word comes alive on the canvas, sparking both nostalgia and curiosity in the hearts of all who encounter his work. "Boss & The Big Man" is just one of the many chapters in his artistic journey, each painting a unique testament to the enduring power of storytelling.

Tadd Overstreet